Hi All,
Three pieces of upcoming DKI content:
November Subscribers’ Webinar: We’ll be hosting Mark Rossano of C6. He’s a fantastic energy investor with a clear view of how geopolitical events change supply/demand for the industry. We’ll be talking about investing in public energy companies. That webinar will be Wednesday, November 29th at noon (NY time). Invitations will be mailed out soon.
December Subscribers’ Webinar: We’ll be hosting DKI Board Member, Howard Jay Klein, to talk about investing in gaming stocks including $LVS. This will be in early December. Date not set yet.
Market Volatility: In the past three trading days, we got notice that Moody’s became negative on US debt, the CPI was .1% below expectations, and the producer price index is down. Markets have been up on the news with alternatives like gold and Bitcoin diverging. I’m in the middle of a detailed explanation of the situation complete with a description of what I think comes next. You should see this on the blog later this week.