Deep Knowledge Investing

DKI empowers hedge fund managers, portfolio managers, family offices, and high net worth individuals to earn higher returns in the equity portion of their portfolios. We provide conflict-free, well-researched stock ideas, and timely market commentary. Deep Knowledge without hidden agendas.

DKI empowers hedge fund managers, portfolio managers, family offices, and high net worth individuals to earn higher returns in the equity portion of their portfolios. We provide conflict-free, well-researched stock ideas, and timely market commentary. Deep Knowledge without hidden agendas.

Five Things

The Five Things to Know in Investing is a weekly show and newsletter that helps you earn higher returns in the equity portion of your portfolio. Subscribe for free below.


DKI empowers hedge fund managers, portfolio managers, family offices, and high net worth individuals to earn higher returns in the equity portion of their portfolios. We provide conflict-free, well-researched stock ideas, and timely market commentary. Deep Knowledge without hidden agendas.

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Deep Knowledge Investing's goal is to make you money regardless of the economic environment. We keep the pulse on the market and interesting positions so that you don't have to do the research on your own.

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As Seen In

As Seen or Published In...

The One Thing We Never
Hedge is Our Opinion

DKI focuses on identifying and analyzing aspects of the selected investments the market is missing. Our only goal is to help our subscribers earn better equity returns and we've done that consistently.


Barron’s online magazine published our full research piece on Las Vegas Sands in August of 2020.


DKI Founder Gary Brode was interviewed by Maggie Lake on Oil and the reappointment of Fed Chair, Powell.


Mr. Brode was interviewed by Divya Narendra for the SumZero podcast about the DKI investment thesis for HCA Healthcare, Inc.


Barron’s online magazine published our full research piece on Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. in November, 2019.


DKI Founder Gary Brode was interviewed by Maggie Lake on Oil and the reappointment of Fed Chair, Powell


Mr. Brode was also interviewed by Divya Narendra and Avery Pagan for the SumZero podcast about the DKI investment thesis.

United States Military Academy At West Point

Guest lecturer to speak to the cadets in the finance program about Signal Interpretation in October 2018. The focus was on things that everyone knows to be true.

Deep Knowledge Company Research

Complete reports explaining an actionable investment thesis. One example is Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. which Barron’s published in full: here. There will be a consistent focus on identifying and analyzing those aspects of selected investments the market is missing.

Gary Brode has spent nearly 30 years in the securities industry.

Gary Brode

Managing Partner

Learn More About Our Founder

DKI is managed by a 30-year hedge fund veteran

In Gary’s three decades of experience, we have come to understand that traditional sell-side research is not designed to make the investor money. It is designed to market investment banking services to the companies they cover. We do the opposite.

What is Deep Knowledge Investing?

Since our founding in 2020, and based on a track record dating from 2012, we have consistently provided investors with high-alpha, well-researched stock ideas, and timely market commentary. We focus on identifying and analyzing those aspects of selected investments the market is missing. Deep Knowledge Investing was founded by Gary Brode, a 30-year hedge fund veteran, to help hedge funds, family offices, and high net worth individuals get better returns in the equity portion of their portfolios. The DKI model includes a large, successful, and highly-engaged Board of Advisors who provide expert counsel in a variety of fields. The firm is generalist in its coverage, but always has a clear view on the specific issues relevant to individual industries.
Filter-free knowledge: Our only goal is to help our investors earn better equity returns. We’ve done that consistently. In our 3 decades of experience, we have come to understand that traditional sell-side research is not designed to make the investor money. It is designed to market investment banking services to the companies they cover. Deep Knowledge Investing provides conflict-free research. Whether the company we’re researching is happy with our conclusion isn’t a consideration.
Investment recommendations backed by commitment: We’re often asked whether we own the positions we recommend. Absolutely! We only recommend positions to our clients that we believe are worthy of investment in our own portfolio. We have capital committed in all of our current ideas. Investors are informed immediately when we decide to reduce or sell a position.

What They Are Saying

"I’ve known Gary for 17 years. He’s always been a source of great investment ideas and reliable high-quality research. When I decided to start Concentric Capital Strategies, he was the first service that I subscribed to and I’m glad I did."

Seth Turkeltaub

Founder of Concentric Capital Strategies, formerly Portfolio Manager at Millennium

Check Out Our Recent Blog Posts

January CPI Rises to 3.0%

Overview:                   Today, we got the January Consumer Price Index (CPI) report which showed an overall increase of 3.0% for the last year and 0.5% for the month (annualizes to 6.2%). That’s above

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Investment Performance

Investment Performance


Bitcoin: Recommended on 11/9/20 at $15,479.57.

Current Price:

Recommended shorting the S&P 500 on 2/24/20 ahead of a 33% drop in the index.


Las Vegas Sands (LVS) Opened on 4/27/20 at $43.78. Closed 6/10/20 at $53.66.
HCA Healthcare (HCA) Opened on 9/24/20 at $115.79. Closed on 7/20/21 at $250.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMHC) Opened on 1/29/21 at $4.93. Closed on 2/22/22 at $20.90.


Shorted S&P 500 on 2/24/20 at $3,337. Covered 3/23/20 at 2,237. Return of 49% in 28 days.

Bought Bitcoin 11/9/20 at $15,479. Still own.

Current Price:

Recommended $GBTC at the same time for people who couldn’t buy Bitcoin.

Recommended shorting the S&P 500 on 2/24/20 ahead of a 33% drop in the index.

Re-recommended $GBTC due to the discount to NAV on 6/14/22 at $14.53 and 6/30/23 at $18.84.


Bought $LVS on 4/27/20 at $43.78. Sold at $53.66 on 6/10/20. Return of 23% in 44 days.

Bought $HCA on 8/18/20 at $133.67. Sold at $250.00 on 7/20/21. Return of 88% including dividends in 336 days.

Bought $HCA on 9/24/20 at $115.79. Sold at $250.00 on 7/20/21. Return of 117% including dividends in 299 days.

Bought $HMHC on 1/30/21 at $4.93. Sold on 2/22/22 at $20.90. Return of 324% in 388 days.

Bought $HMHC on 3/25/21 at $5.61. Sold on 2/22/22 at $20.90. Return of 273% in 334 days.

Bought $ENVA on 4/26/21 at $32.85. Sold on 10/24/23 at $43.21. Return of 32% in 911 days.

Bought $ENVA June 16, ’23 $40 strike call options on 3/24/23 at $5.30. Sold on 5/30/23 at $7.30. Return of 38% in 67 days.

Bought $LVS December 15, ’23 $45 strike call options at $3.30 between 9/25/23 and 10/6/23. Sold for $3.55 on 12/13/23. Return of 8% in 79 days.

Bought $SRUUF on 11/21/22 at $11.26. Still own this.

Bought $TPL on 2/04/22 at $1,095. Sold 75% of it on 11/16/22 at $2,655. Return of 142% in 285 days.

Bought more $TPL on 6/30/23 at $1,325.59. Still own this.

Investment Performance


Las Vegas Sands (LVS) Opened on 4/27/20 at $43.78. Closed 6/10/20 at $53.66.
HCA Healthcare (HCA) Opened on 9/24/20 at $115.79. Closed on 7/20/21 at $250.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMHC) Opened on 1/29/21 at $4.93. Still own this. Stock was at $14.20 as of Friday’s close.


Bitcoin: Recommended on 11/9/20 at $15,479.57. Still own this. Is at $46,075.44 right now (source is Coinbase).

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