I Think They’re Aiming at China

I’m getting a lot of questions and seeing a lot of discussion about why President Trump is about to enact 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada early next week. Government officials from both countries say that at this point, they aren’t completely sure what they’d need to do to be in compliance with the wishes … Read more

This Was Easy to Predict – Saudis and China

Most of the analysis we do at Deep Knowledge Investing is detailed and complicated.  People often ask me how long it takes to write a post.  The answer is it typically takes 1-3 hours to write something and days/weeks/months of research to know enough to have confidence in my conclusions. Sometimes, things just seem obvious…In … Read more

Russia/Ukraine and the Implications for our Relationship with Adversaries

Russia/Ukraine and the Implications for Our Relationship With Adversaries (including China). I’m speaking with three members of the Deep Knowledge Investing Board of Advisors: • Dr. John Lenczowski (President Reagan’s National Security Advisor on the Soviet Union and Founder of the Institute for World Politics) • Lt. Colonel (Ret) Jason Galui (West Point economics professor, … Read more

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