I’ll be doing a Twitter Space tomorrow on the Federal Open Market Committee. It’s hosted by Tracy Shuchart (@chigrl) and starts at 11am Eastern Time. Other guests include Andy Constan, Peter Boockvar, Neely Tamminga and Mike Green (@profplum99). Link here: https://twitter.com/chigrl/status/1784990681569608186
For those of you who don’t have the time, here’s your preview: “higher for longer”. Secondary point is the Fed has no idea what they’re doing. Please see last week’s April letter for a description of how wrong the Fed has been on interest rates, the one thing they control.
I’ll also be on another Twitter Space tomorrow at 7pm with @Peruvian_Bull on Japan’s currency collapse. This was something we predicted here at DKI in October of 2022, more than 18 months ago. Peruvian Bull has been smart and right on the dollar and the yen. I expect it will be an interesting and timely conversation.