Tariffs – Preview

President Trump is dominating the headlines with a flurry of early activity. Much of that “activity” is talk about what might happen in the future. The financial world is most focused on the prospect of tariffs, and I’m already getting questions from DKI subscribers about the topic. Right now, I have an article in edit that I’m holding for possible comments from members of the DKI Board of Advisors who are experts in politics and international relations. I want to see if they have opinions that differ from mine before putting something in print. I can give you all a quick preview of the two key points:

1) President Trump likes to use threats of big action to gain concessions on other related issues. That means that some of the big tariffs being discussed aren’t intended to restrict future trade; but rather, are intended to persuade other countries to cooperate on other issues. (I know some of you would use words other than “persuade” and “cooperate”, but I think you get the point.)

2) I’ve gone through the DKI portfolio and believe we have very little exposure to likely future tariffs. I’ll insert the obvious point that without knowing what’s going to happen, it’s impossible to know we’re protected and that any actions will have unintended consequences. It’s also possible that tariffs or fears of tariffs would take down the multiple on the S&P 500 or the NASDAQ and DKI stocks could trade down with the market. We are hedged for that.

I’m sending my thoughts to Board members right now and have a call scheduled with a European subscriber to better understand their point of view.

I am not making any policy-related changes to the portfolio right now and will be providing subscribers with more information on a timely basis. Many of you will have thoughts, questions, and perspectives you may want to share. Please feel welcome to post in the comments or to reach me directly at IR@DeepKnowledgeInvesting.com . I read everything that comes to that address.


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