Lawrence Oh

Lawrence OH

Financial Fraud, Forensic Accounting, and Legal Advisor

Lawrence P. Oh is a practicing criminal defense attorney and law-tech entrepreneur in New York City. He previously worked at the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office from 1994 to 2016. He was the Bureau Chief of the Major Narcotics Investigations Bureau and later a Bureau Chief in the Rackets Division.

Mr. Oh’s expertise is in complex conspiracy matters involving financial fraud, narcotics importation and distribution, and violent criminal enterprises; and arson, buildings, and construction-related fatalities. Mr. Oh is responsible for successfully investigating and prosecuting the first criminal case in the United States involving the use of an elevator as an assault weapon.

He is on the board of directors of Stanford New York Alumni. He has a B.A. in Quantitative Economics from Stanford University and a J.D. from Columbia Law School.

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